Precious Travis Jr. was born on Friday, July 1, 2022 at 6:26pm.
5lb 9 oz. 19.5 inches. Brown eyes. Adorable cheeks. Head full of beautiful black hair.
A very active baby, he enjoyed 36 weeks of life in the womb, outside of which he never took a breath.
Seeing death, his parents chose to believe for life. Hundreds joined us to beseech the Author of Life for a miracle. Yet, we left the hospital several days later with an empty belly, memorabilia-full hands, and shattered hearts.
We know no medical reason for his death.

“Faith isn’t just a feeling; faith is a choice” (Justin Kendrick).
In spite of this senseless tragedy, we have chosen to believe that God is still good. God still loves us. God is still in control, and He is still worthy of all of our praise.
We have chosen to be thankful for the time that we got to care for Travis Jr. while he was in the womb. And we have chosen to honor his memory and his legacy.
Remembering My Child is one of the ways we are doing just that.

Remembering My Child exists to support families in honoring the memories of their deceased children.
We understand that losing a child, at any stage of life, is one of the most traumatic events a human can experience.
Our prayer is that the resources we offer - including tools for journaling memories and emotions, blog posts, and links to support groups and other resources - will meaningfully support the ongoing process of grieving, healing, and cherishing the memory of each precious child who is no longer here.