Glimpses of Glory: A Heavenly Birthday Tribute

Glimpses of Glory: A Heavenly Birthday Tribute

[A poem written by our friend, Molly, in honor of Travis Jr.'s first heavenly birthday] 


We felt so blessed and loved that our friend took the time to craft this beautiful tribute to Travis Jr. last year. For those looking for ways to support a bereaved parent you know, consider writing a special poem in honor of their child, and see our blog post with additional ideas for how you can support bereaved parents during their child’s birthday or other milestone moments. 


Glimpses of Glory 


On the birthday of Travis Jr., we join with an enduring, fortified love  

A love that has seen the intricacies of God’s goodness in the darkness of life - 

and experienced steadfastness, compassion, and comfort from above 


For 36 weeks you were provided a safe and nurturing home to grow, 

Glimpses of glory as you danced and kicked and were prayed and sang over - 

from your head to your little toes 


We cling to God’s promise that glory and joy will one day abound, 

And we celebrate the life, legacy, and everlasting life in which -  

Travis Jr. has already been crowned  


In God’s tapestry of life, Travis Jr. was woven with tender care  

In his remembrance are golden threads of resurrected hope that we share 


So we come together in honoring your heavenly golden birthday, sweet little one 

Your memory inspires us to live our lives covered in the faith of Jesus -  

and take hold of the victory that he has won. 


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