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5 Ways to Honor the Memory of a Child who has Died

Reflecting on the past year since losing our son, a common theme we’ve noticed is our intentionality to ensure he is not forgotten.


Based on our experience over the last year, below are some day-to-day ways to honor the memory of a child who has died.


  1. Refer to the child by name and encourage others to do so (e.g., our son’s name is Travis Jr. and we say his name often)


  1. Include the child in the count when asked how many kids you have


  1. Refer to the child as the big brother or big sister of younger siblings (e.g., “the new baby is getting his big brother’s hand-me-downs”)


  1. Include mementos of the child around the house (e.g., we set up faux magnolia flowers for our living room decor because that’s a special flower from our pregnancy photo shoot)


  1. Include the child in holiday celebrations throughout the year (e.g., hang a Christmas tree ornament with their name on it; sign Fathers’ Day and Mothers’ Day cards as being from the child plus any other siblings)


What are some other ways that you find yourself regularly honoring the memory of a child who has died?

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